Dovguchits Sergey Ivanovich

Shalkovsky Alexey Gennadyevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), First vice rector of St. Petersburg University. Organizer of interaction Military industrial complex and state educational institution, initiator, head and performer research works, applied scientific research and experimental works and military skilled design works. Author more than 30 scientific works. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 2.

Silnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich

Babenkov Valery Ivanovich
Doctor of military sciences (DPhil). Professor of «Economy and Management in Power» department of Engineering and economic institute of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. Full member of Academy of military sciences. Full member of Academy of problems of military economy and finance. Honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation. The head of scientific research on current problems of material support of troops which are introduced in bodies of military management and military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The author more than 350 scientific and educational and methodical works used in student teaching from them 9 monographs, 11 textbooks. 47 educational and educational and methodical grants and also more than 40 research works. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 7.

Nozdrachev Alexander Vasilyevich
Full member of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences, the Doctor of Engineering (DPhil). The chairman of business council at the Interstate commission on military-economic cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Statesman. The scientist in the field of economy and management of the defensive industry, development of autonomous control systems. The winner of awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology, the winner of an award of the President of the Russian Federation, the Participant of formation of sections of the State program of arms and the Federal target program of development of the enterprises of defense industry complex. The author of scientific works on technological bases of creation of autonomous control systems, problems of development and application of high-precision missile systems.

Petrov Victor Alekseyevich
Full member of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences, the Doctor of Engineering (DPhil), professor, the honored worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation. Chairman of Dissertation Council of Naval academy of N.G. Kuznetsov, chief researcher of Open joint stock company "MMS Radar scientific and production enterprise. The scientist and the teacher in the field of ballistics, navigation and flight control of aircraft. Participant of development and tests of space-rocket system for Navy. The author of scientific works and inventions on problems of the theory of beskardanny system of an oriantation of aircraft, assessment of reliability of control systems of aircraft, the theory of autonomous systems of navigation and targeting of aircraft, techniques of teaching engineering systems.

Rakhmanov Alexander Alekseyevich
Full member of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences. Doctor of Engineering (DPhil), professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, winner of the State awards of the Russian Federation. The deputy CEO - the head of a complex of scientific programs and researches of «Radio Engineering and Information Systems» Concern. Member of the Joint Dissertation Council of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences and 46 Central Research and Development Institutes of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 4.

Simonenko Vladimir Borisovich
Full member of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences, doctor of medical sciences (DPhil), professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation. Head of the department of improvement of doctors of Federal state institution "Medical Educational and Scientific Clinical Center of P.V. Mandryk" Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The scientist and the teacher in the field of field medical therapy, a toxicology, a cardiology, a cardioneurology. The participant and the principal of works on improvement and development of new diagnostic methods and treatment of staff, the organization of military-medical providing in peace and wartime. The author of scientific works, manuals and techniques by non-invasive methods of cardiologic diagnostics, questions of naval therapy and medical support of medical process in troops and hospitals, preparation of scientific shots. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 20.

Harchenko Evgeny Fedorovich
Full member of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences, the Doctor of Engineering (DPhil), professor, the winner of the State award, award of the Government of the Russian Federation, the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation. CEO of «Armokom» Closed joint stock company. The organizer of production, the scientist and the teacher in the field of development and creation of nonmetallic ballistic materials and constructional composites. The head of introduction of new technologies in development, tests and productions of samples of means of protection. The author of scientific works, inventions and the theory of design the diskretnotkanevykh of armored materials and means of protection on their basis.

Alеshin Alexander Sergeyevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), professor of academy of military sciences, deputy chief of the scientific and methodical center, «Special Materials Corp.». The scientist and the teacher in the field of the equipment and arms of Rocket troops and artillery of Ground forces of the Russian Federation. Performer of a series of Research works, research developmental works on improvement of fighting use of arms and military equipment rocket army and artillery, author more than 50 works. Professor of Academy of military sciences. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 4.

Anisimov Vladimir Georgiyevich
Doctor of Engineering (DPhil), professor, Chairman of Dissertation Council of Mikhaylovsky military artillery academy, member of Dissertation Council of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. The founder of school of sciences of Military cybernetics in Rocket troops and artillery of Ground forces of the Russian Federation, the concept of modern arms and other perspective developments, the full member of Academy of military sciences, the author more than 400 articles, 140 textbooks and grants, 30 monographs. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 25.

Babichev Victor Ilyich
Full member of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences, the Doctor of Engineering (DPhil), the Winner of the State award, the winner of the Award of the Government of the Russian Federation. Chief designer of the direction of the State unitary enterprise «Instrument Design Bureau». The designer and the scientist in the field of design of complexes of the artillery operated arms. The head and the participant of tests and acceptance on arms of samples of Rocket and artillery arms. The author of scientific works and inventions on problems of development of systems of management with homing.

Gasyuk Dmitry Petrovich

Ivanov Nikolay Arsenyevich

Karachev Alexander Anatolyevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), professor, deputy director Federal state unitary enterprise «Information Equipment Scientific and Technological Center». Author of numerous scientific works. The chairman of the educational and methodical commission on technology of educational and methodical providing by training in the field of preparation of pedagogical shots.

Кежаев Валерий Алексеевич

Lapuka Oleg
Dr.Sc.-Hab, a Head of the Aviation and Radio-Electronic Systems research laboratory, Military Academy, Republic of Belarus a manager of some big projects on developing aircraft radio-electronic protection against guided missiles equipped with radar guidance system . a president of a specialized doctorial board for defending DPhil dissertation. chief editor of theoretical journal “ Herald of Military Acadamy of Belarus Republic” Prize-winner of the Belarus President Prize For outstanding contribution to social and economic development of the State

Sazykin Andrey Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), the associate professor, chief of Scientific and Methodical Center, «Special Materials Corp.». Author more than 30 works on improvement of arms and military equipment, performer of a series Research works and developmental works on improvement of fighting application and management of rocket troops and artillery. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 15.

Mikhaylin Andrey Ivanovich
Member the correspondent of the Russian academy of rocket and artillery sciences, the Doctor of Engineering (DPhil), Deputy General Manager for Research and to development «Special Materials Corp.». The scientist and the teacher in the field of simulation of physical processes in difficult non-linear systems. Principal and participant of development of complexes of engineering protection. The author of scientific works and inventions on problems of fundamental and application-oriented dynamics of difficult non-linear systems, development of the simulating and test benches and complexes. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 16, (Scopus) – 6.

Rogalev Andrey Nikolaevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of innovative technologies of the knowledge-intensive branches, head of department of innovative activity of the National research university "MEI". The winner of an award of the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology. Area of scientific interests – increase in efficiency and reliability of power complexes of different function. The research supervisor of projects in the sphere of creation of the new power equipment working at supercritical parameters of a working body. Author more than 100 scientific works, including 7 patents. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 5.

Harchenko Evgeny Borisovich
Candidate of sociological sciences (PhD), the deputy chief of Military academy of communication of Marshall of the Soviet Union of S.M. Budenny on educational and scientific work. Head and performer of research works and research skilled design works of a special purpose. Researcher of questions of fighting management. Author of 25 scientific and methodical works, among them textbooks and manuals. The Hirsha index (RSCI) – 4.

Chernyshov Mikhail Viktorovich

Chvarkov Sergey Vasilyevich
Doctor of military sciences (DPhil), Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, the major general, professor of «Economy and Management in Power Engineering Specialists» department of Engineering and economic institute of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. Head of military scientific research. Author more than 200 scientific works.