To authors

Scientific and technical journal «Defense Engineering Problems. Series 16. Technical means of combating terrorism » publishes an articles of the next areas of science:

  • 01.00.00 Physics and Math
  • 05.00.00 Technical science
  • 20.00.00 Military science

Authors of publications that correspond to sections of journal, format and send it according to rules of formalization. Editorial board makes decision about publication after discussions and reviews.

The procedure for review ( full version )

  • All the copies are sent for review to members of editorial board or other experts
  • Editorial board of journal directs questions of activity of experts and keeping of critiques.
  • In many cases according to charter documents Editor-in-chief takes decisions about review.
  • By reviewing not involved professionals working in the same unit where the work was performed.
  • Reviewers are notified that they sent the manuscript are the private property of the authors and are reportedly not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs.
  • The review shall be conducted confidentially. Author is transmitted a copy of the review.
  • Breach of confidentiality is only possible in the case of the statements reviewer invalidation or falsification of the materials contained in the article.
  • If the review of the article is a reference to the need to fix it, it is sent to the author for revision. In this case the date of receipt of the editorial board considered the date of return of the modified article.
  • In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author has the right to give a reasoned response to the journal. The article can be directed to re-review, or approval on the editorial board.
  • The appropriateness of publication adopted by the editor-in-chief, and if necessary – the editorial board as a whole.
  • The reviewer has the right to freely express their attitude to the submitted materials, based on personal experience, inner conviction, a deep knowledge of science and technology and russian law.

The main sections of review:

  1. Value of the work presented the profile of the journal.
  2. Information about the earlier publication of materials article.
  3. Genre of article.
  4. The style of presentation.
  5. Notes to the order of presentation, tables, graphs, bibliography.
  6. The errors in the article, which can be corrected without returning to
  7. revision (unprincipled character).
  8. Notes requiring a revision of the author and / or the author’s response in order to discussions.

1.Article structure

Summery presents brief content of an article, main goals and possible applications, in author’s opinion.

Introduction presents topicality validation of an article, its main features, known version of solving a problems, its shortcomings. Review of found literatures (articles, patents, reports, etc.) and their critical analysis.

Article presents description of proposed variant of solution: initial conditions of a problem, investigations performed (place, main data on a subject of investigation), main point of a proposed way of solution, methods (observation, experiment, simulation, calculation, development, construction, designing, manufacturing, method of controlling etc.), Engineering ways of implementation, experimental verification. Evaluation of proposed solution (novelty of results obtained): special features of proposed way of solution (advantages over analogues, equivalent results, obvious and assuming disadvantages), information on authors’ certificate of recognition and patents, economic and technological evaluation of implementation. Results should be presented in graphics, diagrams and tables.

Mathematics for obtained results explanation should be reduced to minimum. Verbose explanations and descriptions should be avoided. Also captions under figures, diagrams, tables should not be repeated in the article text.

Conclusions should summarize results obtained and be thesis.

References. references indicate authors names, journal (monograph), year of issue (volume), number of issue, page. This information should help a reader to find the source easily.

2. Article structure

Authors’ originals are to be structured in accordance with GOST 29.115-88 «Оригиналы авторские и текстовые издательские. Общие технические требования». An article volume should not exceed 10 А4 pages and is to be submitted in electronic form (CD, flash-card) or by E-mail: and in hard copy signed by authors.

Text: text editing program – Microsoft Word with extension*.rtf or *.doc, Times New Roman Cyr, 12 size, no stylesheet.

Title is to be printed only (!) in small letters.
Materials are to be edited, without word division, text spacing out is excluded. Hard copy and electronic version of the article are identical. The authors copy is complete, i.e. it should contain:

  • Index UDC;
  • Annotation, no more than 10-15 typewritten lines;
  • Name, Surname, Patronymic name of authors (scientific degree);
  • Main text with tables , formulas, conclusions, references;
  • Illustrations (without description and notes).

Footnotes, bookmarks, numbered lists are not allowed (numbers of items, subsections and list of references are to be done manually). For headlines and subheadings special styles and underlining should not be used. References in the text are to be in square brackets. All abbreviations, abridgements, arbitrary notations are to be deciphered in the text.

Tables should not be scanned or have colored background,print size — 10 pt.(table parameter , width X height , no more than 165 X 240 mm).

Illustrations(graphs and figures) are to be black-and-white in *.jpeg or *.tif with resolution no less than 300 dpi for line images (schemes, drawings, graphics) and no more than 600 dpi for halftone images (photos etc.); linear dimensions should not exceed 165 X 240 mm. In addition each illustration is not be sent in a separate file. The file’s name should have an ordinal number of illustration.

All letter and digital symbols in illustrations are to be explained either in the main text or in captions.

Illustrations, tables are to have an ordinal number and name. Mathematical formulas are to be printed in Microsoft Equation 3.0 (Size: regular — 11pt.,large index— 8pt.,small index — 5pt. ,large symbol— 15pt,small symbol— 10pr. .Key style points: Times New Roman —Text, Function , Variable ,Matrix-Vector ; Symbol —Greek ,Symbol. For Variable italic type should be selected, for Matrix-Vector —bold type).Formulas’ numbers are written on the right side. Deciphering of formulaic designations is given in the text after “where» without indent. Formulae must not be scanned.

Physical values units are to be given in C language. All articles are to be supplemented with expert conclusion on permissibility to publish the material in open press and with reviews of independent reviewer.

Author Information: surname, name, patrimony name, scientific degree, and scientific title, place of employment, position, and contact phone.

Materials that do not comply with the requirements are not considered.