"Military Enginery Scientific and Technical Journal.
Counter-terrorism technical devices.Issue 16."
Issue (133 - 134)
Nikolaev Aleksey Evgenyevich
The economic front of hybrid warfare: questions of conceptual apparatus
AuthorsBoyko Dmitry Victorovich Nikolaev Aleksey Evgenyevich Key words:hybrid warfare, hybrid methods, economic confrontation, military-economic confrontation | Annotation:The purpose of the present paper is conceptual apparatus formalization based of economic confrontation problem analysis results in context of hybrid warfare preparing and waging, as phenomena capable of significantly redistributing zones of geopolitical influence in the future, undermine the economy of the enemy, cause social unrest and make a change of power in the state. It is shown that the successful adaptation of the Russian national security system to the challenges and threats generated by new type of conflicts will depend crucially on the ability to generate new knowledge about hybrid threats in a timely manner and on this basis to determine the strategy of the state as a whole, the priorities of the armed forces building, development economy and cultural worldview Pages3-10 Code UDC:339.986 |
Ushakova Natalia Vladimirovna
АpplicaTion of analogy method for forecasting military and political course of states
AuthorsBug Sergey Vasilievich Ushakova Natalia Vladimirovna Key words:military policy of the state, model analogue, signs and rules of model analogue functioning and military policy of the state | Annotation:The article discusses the possibilities of using the method of analogies in forecasting the military-political course of states on the basis of the analogue model «traffic». The presented method makes it possible to identify general trends (to a greater degree of qualitative information), to consider the process in a new way, and most importantly, to predict phenomena and processes under conditions of system instability and chaos. The «traffic» analogue model proposed as the basis for forecasting allows us not only to understand the conditions and factors affecting the state’s military-political course, but also to predict potential threats to the military security of a particular country and its further actions to achieve political goals in stable and unstable conditions. international relations Pages11-17 Code UDC:355(4/9) |
Harin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Conceptual directions of the formation and development of the personnel potential of the electronic industry
AuthorsNikolaev Aleksey Evgenyevich Harin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Key words:the principle of «full life cycle», professional orientation, predictive personnel audit, Career Center, motivation and stimulation | Annotation:Based on the analysis of the new challenges and risks of the organization of the system of professional training of workers and specialists of the defense industries, the conceptual directions of the formation and development of the personnel potential of the electronic industry are determined. Particular attention is paid to the creation of an integrated training environment with the active participation of organizations of the electronic industry, based on a common information base and functioning on the principles of a «full life cycle» training of specialists, starting with vocational guidance and ending with retaining specialists in industry organizations. The necessity of the formation of a predictive personnel audit system aimed at analyzing the industry labor market of university graduates is substantiated Pages18-25 Code UDC:338.2 |
Chirckov Denis Viktorovich
Pisarev Sergey Anatolevich
System and complex: contradictions related to the use of the term «complex» in the scientific and «gun» areas, indirectly related to the military security of the country
AuthorsGrahov Valeriy Pavlovich Chirckov Denis Viktorovich Pisarev Sergey Anatolevich Key words:system, system, complex, contradiction, education , science, complex systems, management, security | Annotation:Specific examples related to the training of specialists for the needs of defense production, science and the development of small arms, which confirm the incorrect use of the concepts of «complex», «complex» in weapons practice, are shown. Since small arms are primarily automatic and complex systems, the application of systems methodology in the design and construction of weapons, in the development of design documentation and in the educational process is an objective reality. It is proved that, first of all, the «system approach» and not the «integrated approach», the concept of «system» and not «complex» should be used in weapons science and practice to improve the efficiency of the management of complex systems, including the system of military security of the country Pages26-34 Code UDC:623.442.424 |
Belokopytov Mark Lvovich
Kokorev Andrey Valerevic
Vladimirov Vladislav Vladimirovich
Ivanov Igor Gennadevich
Proposals to automate the activities of military control through the implementation of methods and algorithms of artificial intelligence in terms of collection, processing and analysis of unstructured (semistructured) data
AuthorsFilippskih Evgeniy Eduardovich Belokopytov Mark Lvovich Kokorev Andrey Valerevic Vladimirov Vladislav Vladimirovich Ivanov Igor Gennadevich Key words:artificial intelligence, unstructured data, military authorities, the national defense control center of the Russian Federation | Annotation:The article is devoted to the current issues related to the improvement of automated control systems and hardware and software systems that support decision-making and planning of actions of troops (forces) by officials of the military authorities in the conditions of increasing the requirements for efficiency, intensity of information exchange, the volume of tasks and the structure of the information provided. The paper deals with the application of methods and technologies of artificial intelligence to solve the problems of automation of the activities of military authorities, including the National defense control center of the Russian Federation, in the collection, processing and analysis of unstructured (semistructured) data. Proposals for the use of artificial intelligence to solve functional problems of the military authorities, in terms of the collection, processing and analysis of unstructured data Pages35-42 Code UDC:681.5:004.89 |
Method of the main increasing parameters of the railway direction survivability basing
AuthorsShenberger Anton Yurievich Key words:railway troops, survivability, object, railway direction, complex of actions, military district, simulation modeling, technical cover | Annotation:The article is devoted to the problematic issues of increasing (ensuring) the survivability of the railway direction in different periods of its functioning. There is presented analysis of the impact of a potential enemy transport facilities in railway transport violation of the functioning of which leads to the isolation of combat areas and the cessation of all types of military transportation. The technique of substantiation of the main parameters of increase (maintenance) of survivability of the railway direction allowing to define the sequence of restoration of the destroyed objects and terms of their commissioning is presented. A set of measures to improve the survivability of transport facilities in the railway direction is substantiated taking into account the cost of resources for their implementation as well as the importance of their implementation for the decision to restore the railway transport facility Pages43-48 Code UDC:623.6 |
Malyshev Sergei Romanovich
Krasnova Svetlana Alekseevna
Shishkov Viacheslav Alexandrovich
AuthorsKrasnov Sergey Vasilyevich Malyshev Sergei Romanovich Krasnova Svetlana Alekseevna Shishkov Viacheslav Alexandrovich Key words:small-sized unmanned aerial vehicle, model of threats, model of protection | Annotation:Making radio system, radio engineering, optoelectronic, radar detection and suppression of small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles is difficult scientific and technical problem. The solution to this problem is to consider a number of optimization problems, each of which can characterized by using different conditions and restrictions. A variety of small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles and the specific features of their operation do not allow forming a unified methodology allowing the creation of a complex detection and destruction system of these tools. In this regard, making of a specific system is an individual process. Making of such systems involves the development of a threat model from small-sized aerial vehicle, which together with the characteristics of the SUAV and the the security model of the UAV will allow solving the task Pages49-58 Code UDC:355.7 |
security provision systems of support of decision-making in the transport sphere against acts of unlawful interference with the use of information technology
AuthorsCherkasov Alexey Alexandrovich Key words:decision support system, subject, transport complex, security, information security | Annotation:The article deals with the problems associated with information security provision in the development of a decision support system designed to manage the transport complex of the subject of the Russian Federation. The article offers solutions to this problem through the use of modern information technologies that can significantly reduce the possibility of attackers to adversely affect the transport and information systems on transport, using malicious software. There is carried out the analysis of the system of combating malicious software, which identified the need to attract both transport and industrial organizations and public administration. The sequence of construction of the security system of the concept of decision support is developed Pages59-66 Code UDC:519.876.5:343.326 |
Brodov Mikhail Borisovich
To a question of use of security television on vessels
AuthorsPivovarov Aleksandr Nikolaevich Brodov Mikhail Borisovich Key words:security system, security television, threats to objects, classification of security television, the set-theoretic description, the spent resources, structural and parametrical schemes | Annotation:In article questions of creation of security television for vessels are considered, offered: the set-theoretic description of processes of an assessment of system effectiveness of safety of object taking into account the spent resources, results of functioning, financial expenses, information, technical, a manpower, restrictions under the terms of operation, to qualitative and quantitative structure of the personnel and the security equipment cost, time. Аre brought: new classification of security television, options of use of analog and network television cameras with registrars switchboards and monitors in the form of structurally functional and structural and parametrical schemes, and also a reason on equipment of cargo and passenger ships by security television Pages67-72 Code UDC:621.39 |
Silnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Kulakov Konstantin Sergeevich
optimization of activities and engineering protection of obJects of military infrastructure
AuthorsLazorkin Valery Ivanovich Silnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich Kulakov Konstantin Sergeevich Key words:object of protection, survivability, active defense, engineering protection, attacking ammunition, protective ammunition | Annotation:The authors consider the task of choosing the optimal combination of active and engineering protection by the criterion of the minimum cost to ensure the required level of survivability of the object. The method of formalizing engineering measures to ensure the survivability of military infrastructure facilities is described. A mathematical formulation and a method for solving the problem of optimizing measures to ensure the survivability of various objects of military infrastructure are given. The general procedure for calculating measures of active and engineering protection of military infrastructure facilities is shown Pages73-76 Code UDC:623.09; 623.4; 623.46 |
Sazykin Andrey Mikhailovich
methodological foundations of the building communication system group fleet coastal troops to ensure control of the operational marine landings
AuthorsSyzrantsev Gennady Valentinovich Sazykin Andrey Mikhailovich Key words:communication system, construction of communication system, decision theory, General theory of systems, General theory of management, grouping of Coastal fleet troops, methodology, formalization, method, method | Annotation:The article presents the basic terms, ideology and General principles of construction of the communication system of the group of Coastal fleet troops in the interests of management of operational Marines. Stages of «external» and «internal» construction of communication system of group of Coastal troops of fleet are described. The content of the description of the communication system by functional, morphological, informational and mathematical features is presented. The methods and methods of construction of organizational and technical communication systems (communication control systems) groups of Coastal fleet troops in modern warfare Pages77-82 Code UDC:621.391 |
Chernykh Andrey Klimentevich
Sychev Sergey Evgenevich
Garkushev Alexander Yuryevich
The assessment of model application efficiency of decision making for using engineering and prospecting patrol in the conditions of uncertainity
AuthorsKurilov Alexey Vladislavovich Chernykh Andrey Klimentevich Sychev Sergey Evgenevich Garkushev Alexander Yuryevich Key words:model, model application efficiency assessment, efficiency criterion, separate indicators of officials activity efficiency, weight multipliers | Annotation:The article deals with the methodic which allows to estimate the model application efficiency of decision making concerning engineering and prospecting patrol by officials. This methodic uses a multicriteria approach to the assessment. The model of decision making for using engineering and prospecting patrol in the conditions of uncertainty is estimated. Algorithmic simplicity of given methodic promotes the program implementation and using it in the software of a wide range of the automated systems. The settlement example proves that speed and quality of decisions make the greatest contribution to the generalized efficiency indicator Pages83-89 Code UDC:378.16 |
Muravtsov Aleksey Alexandrovich
Subbotin Dmitry Vasilyevich
Efremov Sergey Pavlovich
Models of functioning of a transport network of communication of a special purpose taking into account dynamic change of structure of a network in the conditions of information influences
AuthorsKanaev Andrey Konstantinovich Muravtsov Aleksey Alexandrovich Subbotin Dmitry Vasilyevich Efremov Sergey Pavlovich Key words:simulation, discrete Markov chain, transport communications network for special purposes, destabilizing informational influence, the coefficient of operational readiness | Annotation:The simulation model is developed and the results of modeling the process of functioning of the transport communication network of special purpose using the mathematical apparatus of discrete Markov chains in the conditions of destabilizing information influences are presented. The probabilistic and time characteristics of the process of functioning of the transport network of special purpose, which form the basis for the study of this process in different versions of the impact of destabilizing information impact and recovery of the transport network of special purpose. On the basis of the obtained results, the estimates of the operational readiness coefficient of the network in different conditions of the situation are determined Pages90-98 Code UDC:519.876.5 |
Method for adaptive detection of security violations in communications networks satellite communications
AuthorsKuzin Pavel Igorevich Key words:satellite communication network, communication security violations, signal transmission time | Annotation:The article proposes a method for detecting communication security violations in satellite communication networks. It is based on a comparison of the reference time of signals in satellite communication networks with the measured in the process of information exchange. In the absence of deviation of values of reference and the measured time of passing of a signal draw a conclusion about absence of violations of safety of communication on the controlled direction. If the difference is revealed, then decide on the results of the comparison of the presence of violations. Next, determine the direction to the station of the source of communication security violations by changing the directional pattern of the receiving antenna of the repeater satellite. Determine the location of the source station on the inclined range and direction of the radiation pattern of the receiving antenna of the repeater satellite. The method will allow to increase the likelihood of detection of violations of the communication security in the networks of satellite communications Pages99-102 Code UDC:004.056.53 |
Buslov Andrey Aleksandrovich
Kirillov Igor Gennadievich
Lebed Bogdan Petrovich
method of evaluation of quality special materials
AuthorsStarchikov Dmitry Sergeyevich Buslov Andrey Aleksandrovich Kirillov Igor Gennadievich Lebed Bogdan Petrovich Key words:quality assessment method, special materials | Annotation:The article presents a method of assessing the quality of special materials, allowing to select materials with improved armour protection. The method allows for uniform rating scale, to weigh and assess the quality of different construction materials. The evaluation is carried out first by parts, and then comprehensively, i.e. in two stages. To do this, first consider properties that are characterized by different units of measurement lead to a single dimensionless scale. Then calculates the actual target — the index of the quality of the material. Assuming that the higher the value, the better suitable construction material for use in these purposes. Revealed that any composite material is comparable in many aspects Pages103-108 Code UDC:699.852.7, 625.711.2 |
Complex modeling stand for control algorithms testing of the earth remote sensing spacecraft group
AuthorsPodchufarov Andrey Andreeevich Key words:control algorithms, satellite, complex modeling stands | Annotation:The article describes complex modeling stand, which enables to improve quality of of the earth remote sensing spacecraft group. The problem of determining the orbital position of the spacecraft center of mass, as well as the relative rotational motion to the center of mass is considered. An example of using a modeling stand for testing control algorithms of a spacecraft using a system of wheel control engines is given. An algorithm for controlling the wheel engine using a PID controller is proposed. The characteristics of the transition process of the spacecraft with a stepwise external action along the channels of the course, roll and pitch are obtained Pages109-114 Code UDC:629.783 |
Yakovlev Sergey Alexsandrovich
Analysis and effectiveness and adequacy evaluations of measures to eliminate the consequences and causes
AuthorsLyubimov Igor Vladimirovich Yakovlev Sergey Alexsandrovich Key words:military equipment, defects, failures, measures to eliminate inconsistencies, assessment of effectiveness and sufficiency, model of analysis and decisions making | Annotation:The article deals with the problem of determining the effectiveness and sufficiency of the measures taken to eliminate the causes and consequences of military equipment failures. A criteria-based logical and probabilistic model of analysis and decision-making on the effectiveness and sufficiency of these measures is proposed. The specified model is based on the information field, reflecting the actual episodes of exposure to the product and assessing its condition in the manufacturing processes, monitoring and testing. The information field is created on the basis of the issued organizational and technical documents, in which the inconsistencies detected during the life cycle of the product of military equipment, and the operations to eliminate them are recorded. The model allows you to quantify the effectiveness of measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of failures by introducing a measure of compliance with the real and desired results of measures Pages115-120 Code UDC:623.4.01 |
Analysis of the characteristics of combat use and the basics of functioning weapons with a small unmasking effect
AuthorsIvanushkin Vadim Vladimirovich Key words:special unit sniper, sniper weapon, sound of a shot, a weapon with a small unmasking effect | Annotation:The article discusses the analysis of the combat use features and the fundamentals of the operation of silent and flameless weapon fires with a small unmasking effect. The main sources of sound during the shot and ways to reduce it are considered. A comparative analysis of samples of weapons with a small unmasking effect of domestic production standing in service. The complexity of describing the nature of the processes under study and the lack of reliable models of sound generation in an acoustic free field and flame formation in the near-neck space when firing from weapons with a small unmasking effect are also shown Pages121-125 Code UDC:537.874.6 |
Kulik Viktor Ivanovich
Matveev Stanislav Alekseevich
Nilov Alexey Sergeevich
Prospects of application of ceramic fiber-reinforced composite materials for electromagnetic radiation screens
Authors Garshin Anatoliy Petrovitch Kulik Viktor Ivanovich Matveev Stanislav Alekseevich Nilov Alexey Sergeevich Key words:ceramic materials, electromagnetic radiation screens, radio-absorbing materials, ceramic-matrix composites (CMC), fibre-reinforced composites, layered and gradient materials, reinforcing fiber | Annotation:Provides an overview and analysis of the modern state and tendencies of development of ways to enhance the effectiveness of multifunctional protection systems electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the basis of fiber-reinforced ceramic-matrix composite materials (CMC), which also provide the functions of the supporting structure, ballistic and thermal erosion protection. Describes the main electromagnetic characteristics and types of protective screens EMR with elements from fiber-reinforced CMC — pure fiberreinforced, hybrid, and on the basis of layered and gradient structures. It is shown that the use of such CMC for shielding and absorption of EMR has great prospects, while the effectiveness of shielding depends primarily on the type of ceramic matrix, the type of fiber reinforcing fillers, their concentration, micro- and macrostructure of the composite, CMC manufacturing technology, etc Pages126-133 Code UDC:621.316.97: 678 |
Andryushchenko Mikhail Sergeevich
Garkushev Alexander Yuryevich
Soldier infrared camouflage equipment
AuthorsAleshin Igor Nikolaevich Andryushchenko Mikhail Sergeevich Garkushev Alexander Yuryevich Key words:infrared range, thermal imager, masking agents, camouflage kit, decreased visibility | Annotation:The article considers the current state of foreign thermal imaging equipment used by military personnel when performing combat missions (sights, monoculars, night vision goggles). There are examples of thermal imaging equipment used to study the thermal imaging of military vehicles and soldiers in article. The examples of thermal imaging equipment given in the article convincingly prove the level of progress in the development and industrial production of such equipment. The article presents the thermal images obtained using inexpensive smartphones, as well as using professional measuring devices. The main methods and means of thermal signature management of soldier uniforms and soldier weapons are considered, including the possibility of taking into account the frequency range, the terrain background, the time of day and weather conditions. An example of a thermal image of a camouflage set developed by «NII STALI JSC» as well as the results of foreign studies of the effectiveness of various variants of soldier camouflage equipment are given Pages134-141 Code UDC:358.36 |
Kucherenko Alexander Olegovi
System health monitoring of special structures when you change The settings of the cable network
AuthorsGusev Nikolai Nikolaevich Kucherenko Alexander Olegovi Key words:monitoring the technical condition, special installations, string inverters, the pulse string, the front of the excitation pulse, the amplitude of the string oscillations, the stressstrain state of the cable line | Annotation:The article is devoted to improving the reliability of monitoring systems of the technical condition of special facilities on the basis of string sensors with a pulsed excitation method, ensuring the maximum «signal-to-noise» ratio at their output. The article considers the influence of the parameters of the monitoring system on the shape of the string excitation pulses, and, consequently, on the amplitude of the string oscillation of the string Converter. It is experimentally proved that the parameters of the excitation pulses of string converters, in particular the duration of the fronts, depend on the capacitance and resistance of the «cableswitching equipment» system. The article presents the results of experiments showing the effect of duration of fronts of impulses of excitation on the amplitude of the vibrations of the strings. Experimental data are compared with theoretical ones and hypotheses are put forward to explain their difference. Тhe ways of reduction of influence of parameters of system «cable – switching equipment» in the amplitude of the string vibration and increase the reliability of monitoring systems of technical condition of special facilities on the basis of the string of sensors with pulse excitation technique Pages142-149 Code UDC:504.064.36 |
Silnikov Nikita Mikhailovich
Pankov Artem Sergeevich
foreign requirements to structural arrangement and composition of the access control points at the defense facilities. Guard facilities
AuthorsPanov Pavel Dmitrievich Silnikov Nikita Mikhailovich Pankov Artem Sergeevich Key words:guard facility, checkpoint (ACP), threat level, physical protection, ballistic protection | Annotation:The article discusses the requirements for the design and construction of checkpoints of military facilities established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and foreign regulatory documents for facilities of the same class. A comparison of domestic and foreign requirements by the example of pedestrian checkpoints (ACP), one of its structures — security booths. In the course of the comparison, the advantages and disadvantages of the foreign approach are noted. Partially considered is the general structural arrangement of the security booths, their purpose and tasks. In conclusion, the author concludes that the domestic approach to the design and construction of the checkpoint is more practical and economical Pages150-153 Code UDC:624; 624-1; 624-2 |
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