"Military Enginery Scientific and Technical Journal.
Counter-terrorism technical devices.Issue 16."
Issue (131 - 132)
Korobets Boris Nikolayevich
Sychev Mikhail Pavlovich
Sevryukov Dmitry Valentinovich
Dudoladov Vladimir Andreevich
AuthorsMinaev Vladimir Aleksandrovich Korobets Boris Nikolayevich Sychev Mikhail Pavlovich Sevryukov Dmitry Valentinovich Dudoladov Vladimir Andreevich Key words:wavelength range, detection area, the detector, fencing, determinative tests, transmitter, perimeter, receiver, validation testing, security line, triggering of the detection tool | Annotation:It is shown that the most important property of safety extended boundary or protected object perimeter is the reliability of physical intrusion detection into its territory. Various applications of radio equipment in solving problems of unauthorized access detection to protected objects are considered. Physical principles and features of functioning of oneand two-position radio-wave means of detection, determination of probability of detection and false cases are revealed Pages3-7 Code UDC:621.396.969.3 |
Byvshich Dmitry Mikhaylovich
Yarygin Yury Nikolaevich
AuthorsKorobeynikov Pavel Andreevich Byvshich Dmitry Mikhaylovich Yarygin Yury Nikolaevich Key words:method of application, electronic warfare units, antiterrorist actions, small-size unmanned aerial vehicle, radio-electronic defeat | Annotation:The methodical approach to substantiation of rational methods of application of the division of electronic warfare (EW), designed for electronic destruction of electronic means of complexes with small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Considered a three-tier model for the application of EW units, taking into account features of application of various forces and electronic warfare systems in various aspects — as a subsystem of forces and means of formation involved in anti-terrorist activities, as of EW units and as a means of combating UAVs. The use of such a hierarchical model allows further methods of morphological analysis and synthesis to identify the most effective ways to use EW units to counter the UAVs Pages8-16 Code UDC:623.746.-519 |
Selivanov Victor Valentinovich
methodological approach to the evaluation of the kinetic elements action on multi -component target
AuthorsLevin Denis Petrovich Selivanov Victor Valentinovich Key words:non-lethal weapon, kinetic element, effect estimation, multi-component target | Annotation:The paper presents a methodological approach to the evaluation of the non-lethal kinetic elements action on multi-component target. Existing characteristics of the action, combining up to five characteristics of the kinetic element and the target, are presented. The necessity to choose the characteristics of the action depending on the features of damage of certain component occurrence is indicated. An example of calculation of kinetic element parameters and comparison with the existing threshold values is done. This allows to make conclusion about the kinetic element action safety and effectiveness. The threshold values of the impact characteristics are compared with the generally accepted ranking of the severity of the injury, which allows to determine the characteristics of the loss of combat capability. The calculated effect dependence on the dose of exposure for chest injuries of varying severity is also presented. The logistic distribution is used as an interpolation formula Pages17-24 Code UDC:623.45; 623.454 |
The critical level of stability of communication network node at bringing in the highest degree of combat readiness,as well as during antiterrorist activities
AuthorsBurlo Gleb Vladimirovich Key words:imitating modeling, integrated information networks, destructive influences, non-stationary hierarchical hyper-net | Annotation:The questions of application methods of imitating modeling to the analysis of survivability of existing and perspective integrated information networks under destructive influence of various character are examined. For the decision of problems modeling of destructive influences (DI) on a network it is offered to use model on the basis of a non-stationary hierarchical hyper-net. As a parameter of survivability the size of the maximal flow in hyper-net, and revealing characteristic, appropriate to the given influence, changes of a flow in a network is examined Pages25-31 Code UDC:519.876.5 |
Nikolaev Nikolay Vladimirovich
Nekrasov Maksim Igorevich
The Relevant Issues of the Legal Regulation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Circulation for the Protected Sites Defense
AuthorsIlyin Vladimir Viktorovich Nikolaev Nikolay Vladimirovich Nekrasov Maksim Igorevich Key words:unmanned aerial vehicles, protected sites, terrorism countermeasuring, UAV circulation, legal UAV regulation, UAV using, unmanned aviation, unmanned aerial system, regulating documents in the sphere of unmanned aviation | Annotation:The issues of the legal regulation of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) circulation are presented in the article. Some of these issues are connected with UAVs using to defend the protected sites. Also in the paper the main regulating documents in this sphere are pointed out. In the article the most important weak points of small UAV regulating documents are described. Also the algorithm of the UAV flights organization is given in the article. In the paper some ways of improvement these document in the regulation of the small UAVs circulation aspect Pages32-39 Code UDC:623.746.-519 |
Gorduk Alexander Nikolayevich
AuthorsUgolkov Sergey Vyacheslavovich Gorduk Alexander Nikolayevich Key words:transport, security systems, means of radiation control, canine service, x-ray installations, explosion-proof means | Annotation:Тhe article deals with the use of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles engineering and technical means of transport security in order to protect against acts of unlawful interference and terrorist activities. A detailed analysis of the composition, structure, purpose, principle of operation, basic requirements, threshold sensitivity and classification of the following security systems: means and systems of control and access control; security television systems; means of radiation control; metal detectors; x-ray installations; explosives detectors; mobile canine complex; explosion protection means. The conclusion is made about the prospects of development of technical characteristics of security systems, methods and spheres of their application Pages40-48 Code UDC:656.078.18 |
AuthorsOrlov Andrey Vasilievich Key words:algorithm, data imitation protection, mobile security system, message authentication code, electronic signature | Annotation:At present, in conditions of a high level of development of armaments, military and special equipment, as well as tactics and operational art of the Armed Forces of leading foreign states, they identify attempts to identify in advance the most important military facilities of the Russian Federation, with the aim of analyzing and building systems to influence of them. Under these conditions, it becomes more urgent to provide imitable data transmission over communication channels of security systems capable of withstanding the imitating effects of the enemy. The paper developed and proposed an algorithm for protecting data transmitted in mobile security systems used to protect and defend important military facilities of the Russian Federation. The proposed algorithm allows to increase data security and reduce the likelihood of the removal of the protection system Pages49-53 Code UDC:004.056 |
Babenkov Valery Ivanovich
Kurbanov Artur Khusainovich
Methodical approaches to assessing the military -economic effect from digitalization of logistics in the system of logistics of military consumers
AuthorsAbdurakhmanova Elnara Elshan Babenkov Valery Ivanovich Kurbanov Artur Khusainovich Key words:digital technologies, material supply, military and economic effectiveness | Annotation:The digitization of logistics systems is currently one of the main directions of their development in the medium and long term. Decisions made on the implementation of innovative investment projects of digitalization of supply chains should have an appropriate justification. The article proposes a methodology for assessing the militaryeconomic effect of the introduction of digital technologies in the system of material and technical support of military consumers. A set of indicators of the military and economic efficiency of the innovation and investment project of digitalization of logistics in the departmental logistics system has been developed, and the procedure for calculating its military economic efficiency has been presented. Recommendations for making decisions on the introduction of digital technologies based on the range of values of the militaryeconomic efficiency indicator are given Pages54-62 Code UDC:338.462 |
Muravtsov Aleksey Alexandrovich
Subbotin Dmitry Vasilyevich
Kopytin Alexander Nikolaevich
Model of the process of functioning of the communication node of the transport network of special purpose in the conditions of destructive software and hardware influences
AuthorsKanaev Andrey Konstantinovich Muravtsov Aleksey Alexandrovich Subbotin Dmitry Vasilyevich Kopytin Alexander Nikolaevich Key words:simulation, communications, transport communications network for special purposes, destructive software and hardware impact the availability of the network | Annotation:The article presents the results of simulation of the process of functioning of the communication node of the transport network of special purpose in the conditions of the flow of failures and recovery under destructive hardware and software influences. The model takes into account the impact of diagnostic errors on the duration of the recovery cycle of the communication node of the special purpose transport network. The estimation of the coefficient of readiness of the transport network of special purpose by statistical tests Pages63-71 Code UDC:519.876.5 |
Kalinin Valeriy Yurievich
Zharkova Tatyana Viktorovna
Belotserkovskii Peter Petrovich
AuthorsMalinovsky Vladimir Stepanovich Kalinin Valeriy Yurievich Zharkova Tatyana Viktorovna Belotserkovskii Peter Petrovich Key words:the reliability of the designs mechanical parts, prior information, aposteriori information, Bayesian assessment, believability function, distribution density, distribution function | Annotation:One of the main drawbacks in assessment the reliability of the mechanical parts constructions the samples of missile and artillery weapons structures at the early stages of development is the lack of sufficient initial statistical information about the bearing capacity of materials and operating loads. Under these conditions, the most effective method of obtaining reliability estimates is the use of additional a priori information about the performance of such mechanical parts of structures in operation. The article is devoted to the development of the assessment accuracy increase method of the designs mechanical parts reliability at early design stages. The method is based on the employment of the union Bayesian distribution of the experimental information (data) with reference to steady and normal distribution laws of prior information as form parameters Pages72-76 Code UDC:531.8 |
AuthorsSpivak Igor Alexandrovich Key words:means of individual body armor, reduced conditions, tests, splinter resistance | Annotation:The article discusses the methodological basis for assessing the anti-shatter resistance of personal protective equipment in the given conditions. It is shown that the effect of real fragments on the protective structures of an NIB has its own characteristic features and differs from the effect of finished damaging elements in the form of steel balls, which are used in assessing the standardized indicator of anti-shatter resistance. A technique has been developed for evaluating the anti-shatter resistance of protective structures using fragments of natural crushing, which are formed when artillery ammunition is detonated in a platoon shield when firing direct artillery fire. Designs of special target catchers are presented, intended for the placement of means of individual armor protection and fixation of fragments interacting with protective structures Pages77-81 Code UDC:623.5 |
Silnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Aleshin Alexander Sergeevich
AuthorsLazorkin Valery Ivanovich Silnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich Aleshin Alexander Sergeevich Key words:striking, hypersonic strike system, hypersonic weapon, attacking ammunition, guided aerial bomb, aircraft, combat unit, active defense system | Annotation:The article discusses the specific provisions of the concept of “rapid global strike” (Promt Global Strike), which is the basis of the American military doctrine, and provides for the possibility of attacking ground and surface targets using conventional means of destruction based on the use of hypersonic weapons. A variant of the technology of active protection of ground objects, based on the interception of attacking ammunition (AB) at the end sections of their trajectories at the minimum allowable distance from the object of protection, is proposed. It is shown that with this active protection technology, an increase in the speed of an AB contributes to a reduction in the weight and size characteristics of active protection means, as which it is possible to use a small guided missile (MUR) Pages82-86 Code UDC:623.6; 623.4 |
Denisenko Alexander Nikolaevich
Kotelevsky Evgeny Anatolyevich
Kuritsyn Igor Mikhaylovich
Yelizarov Ilya Aleksandrovich
AuthorsBorisov Nikolay Nikolaevich Denisenko Alexander Nikolaevich Kotelevsky Evgeny Anatolyevich Kuritsyn Igor Mikhaylovich Yelizarov Ilya Aleksandrovich Key words:a grenade shot, the ready striking element, an under-barrel grenade launcher | Annotation:At conducting combat operations in city conditions, in infighting, at direct contact with the opponent, both in the closed space, and on the open area, there are situations when it is necessary to fire on the purpose which is at the minimum distance from the shooter. Now grenade shots of basic purpose which part the explosive charge from explosive is enter a unit of fire of under-barrel grenade launchers, it can lead to defeat of the shooter the striking factors when firing in the closed space. The design of a grenade shot with the ready striking elements which allows to increase efficiency of grenade arms and safety of the shooter at his use is presented in article Pages87-90 Code UDC:623.4.08 |
Andryushchenko Mihail Sergeevich
Zaitsev Evgeniy Nikolaevich
Kurtc Dmitriy Vladimirovich
The improving of methodology for armored vehicle product validation by evaluation of equipment protection from electromagnetic weapons
AuthorsAleshin Igor Nikolaevich Andryushchenko Mihail Sergeevich Zaitsev Evgeniy Nikolaevich Kurtc Dmitriy Vladimirovich Key words:electromagnetic weapon, protection methods, product validation of armored vehicle, radio electronic systems | Annotation:The article describes an approach to taking into account the level of protection of the tankfrom electromagnetic weapons, which can be used to improve the product validation of armored vehicle. The assessing the level of protection of a tank was proposed to take into account, along with protection against anti-tank weapons, mines and weapons of mass destruction, the protection from a new and dangerous weapon of a potential enemy — electromagnetic weapons. There are basic formulas for determination of the protection index of the tank from an electromagnetic weapon, which is determined by the resistance of its main electronic systems to the effects of powerful electromagnetic radiation in article. Formalized estimates are given for the concentration, march, and battle order of armored vehicles. There are lists the most critical devices for such an impact, available in a motion control system, fire control system, communication system, and protection system in this paper Pages91-95 Code UDC:623.094 |
Ganchenko Pavel Vladimirovich
Analysis of radio frequency and acoustic weapons development in other countries
AuthorsYaremchuk Sergey Dmitrievich Ganchenko Pavel Vladimirovich Key words:radiofrequency weapon, acoustic weapon, wave adverse factor, electromagnetic radiation, acoustic oscillation, perception effects, detection and monitoring technology | Annotation:The article describes the modern foreign military and technical developments in the sphere of wave weapons which include radiofrequency and acoustic weapon. The technical feasibilities of secret usage of cellular and satellite communication equipment for the purpose of troops and civilian population damage are given. The principles of human damage by wave adverse factors were determined basing on the analysis of effects of energy, information-physical and psychophysiological perception of electromagnetic radiation and acoustic oscillation by the human body. The necessity for development of detection and monitoring technology of wave weapons employment in Russian Federation armed forces is grounded Pages96-104 Code UDC:623.454.8 |
Kulik Viktor Ivanovich
Nilov Alexey Sergeevich
Matveev Stanislav Alekseevich
Prospects of application of CERAMIC dispersion -filled and POROUS COMPOSITE MATERIALS for electromagnetic electromagnetic radiation screens
AuthorsGarshin Anatoliy Petrovitch Kulik Viktor Ivanovich Nilov Alexey Sergeevich Matveev Stanislav Alekseevich Key words:ceramic materials, electromagnetic radiation screens, radio-absorbing materials, ceramic-matrix composites (CMC), dispersion-filled composites, porous ceramics, dispersed fillers | Annotation:The classification of ceramic-matrix composite materials (CMC) for electromagnetic radiation (EMR) protective screens, which also provide the functions of the supporting structure, ballistic and thermal erosion protection, is formulated. Provides an overview and analysis of the modern state and tendencies of development of ways to enhance the effectiveness of multifunctional protection systems EMR on the basis of dispersion-filled CMC with nano- and micro-sized dispersed fillers, as well as CMC and ceramic materials with a porous structure. The basic electromagnetic properties of these types of ceramic composite materials are considered. It is shown that the use of dispersion-filled and porous CMC for shielding and absorption of EMR has great prospects, while the effectiveness of shielding depends primarily on the type of ceramic matrix, the type of dispersed fillers, their concentration, porosity, micro- and macrostructure of the composite, CMC manufacturing technology, etc Pages105-113 Code UDC:621.316.97: 678 |
Borisov Vladimir Viktorovich
Dvornikov Sergey Viktorovich
Lutsenko Sergey Aleksandrovich
Suggestions for evaluating the effectiveness of jamming to satellite signal synchronization elements
AuthorsAgiyevich Sergey Nikolaevich Borisov Vladimir Viktorovich Dvornikov Sergey Viktorovich Lutsenko Sergey Aleksandrovich Key words:jamming, frame alignment, error probability, noise immunity, sync group | Annotation:In the modern world, digital transmission systems play an ever-increasing role, using, depending on the problem to be solved, various transmission lines: fiber-optic, radio-relay, tropospheric, satellite, etc. An important part of the digital transmission system, which largely determines the noise immunity of communications and the quality of digital channels provided to users, is the synchronization system. Being one of the main elements ensuring a stable interaction between the transmitting and receiving sides in satellite radio links, the synchronization system is most vulnerable to the effects of various kinds of interfering signals. The purpose of this work is to study the noise immunity of the elements of the synchronization signals of satellite systems in the formulation of intentional interference. This article will be of interest to professionals involved in the provision of sustainable satellite communication channels Pages114-120 Code UDC:519.724 |
AuthorsStarchukov Dmitriy Sergeyevich Key words:armor protection, high-strength concrete, ash-containing compositions | Annotation:The results of experimental tests of impact strength (impact resistance) of high-strength concrete samples modified with ash-containing solutions are presented. The block diagram of construction of mathematical models of the description of the physical and chemical processes occurring at surface and volume modification of high-strength concretes by ashcontaining solutions, and also block diagrams of methods of modification is given. The advantage of the resulting high-strength concrete compared with other armored materials is that it has a lower density, which provides a reduced weight of the product and a lower cost, while slightly inferior in impact-resistant properties Pages121-127 Code UDC:699.852.7, 625.711.2 |
Kotosov Kirill Alexandrovich
Zhukov Igor Evgenyevich
Tsurikov Sergey Gennad’yevich
Experimental study of the parameters of the impact on the model of the object of protection in the event of a non -penetration of an armored helmet by a striking element of ammunition
AuthorsMilyaev Aleksey Vladimirovich Kotosov Kirill Alexandrovich Zhukov Igor Evgenyevich Tsurikov Sergey Gennad’yevich Key words:the helmet, high-speed blow, ledge behind armor, the injury behind armor, parameters of assessment of weight of the injury | Annotation:Results of pilot study of parameters of the ledge behind armor created at not perforation by the element of ammunition of the army helmet and its impact on model of the subject to protection — the block of 20% of gelatin are presented. The research showed, first, importance of size of the gap between the helmet and the head of the owner regulating weight of the stupid injury behind armor and, secondly, confirmed need of simultaneous assessment on each shot of both the overload size, and size of intracavitary pressure for the established assessment time interval Pages128-134 Code UDC:623.445 |
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