"Military Enginery Scientific and Technical Journal.
Counter-terrorism technical devices.Issue 16."
Issue (137 - 138)
Bug Sergey Vasilievich
Sysuev Sergey Yurievich
Method of forecasting the military and political course of foreign states in the interests of ensuring the military security of the russian federation
AuthorsUshakova Natalya Vladimirovna Bug Sergey Vasilievich Sysuev Sergey Yurievich Key words:state, military-political leadership, military-political course, state status, interstate relations, political potential, methodology, scaling, evaluation. | Annotation:Тhe article presents the author's method of forecasting the military-political course of foreign States in the interests of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation on the basis of political potential, which determines the sequence of application of the methods. The main emphasis is placed on the evaluation method-scaling. The political potential is considered in the article as an umbrella concept that includes economic, geopolitical and military capabilities. Attention is paid to the basics of the conceptual apparatus of forecasting, the methodology for assessing the military-political course of foreign States, which is the definition of indicators (high, low, average) characterizing the actions of the military-political leadership of countries aimed at achieving military-political goals, national interests of States. Special attention is paid to the stratification features of the system of interstate relations, which fixes a certain status and a specific role for each state, which is the basis for forecasting the military-political course of foreign States. Pages Code UDC: |
Analysis of approaches in the system of logistics of military consumers fighting international terrorism outside the Russian Federation
AuthorsStulov Sergey Vladimirovich Key words:the terrorist threat, material supply, military consumers, government, military and economic system. | Annotation:A modern and reliable logistics system must be in place to ensure timely and complete material support for military contingents fighting international terrorism abroad. The system of logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a complex military-economic system, consisting of a set of interrelated elements (logistics, finance) are allocated to meet the needs of the armed forces and other troops, materiel and services. This article analyzes the logistics of military consumers performing combat missions outside the territory of the Russian Federation, discusses modern military conflicts and factors affecting the functioning of the system of logistics groups of troops (forces) in modern operations. Pages Code UDC: |
Kurbanov Arthur Khusainovich
Plotnikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Methodical basis of monitoring of functioning full life cycle contract systems in the interests of the military organization of the state: organizational, technical and logistical aspects
Authors Dubovsky Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Kurbanov Arthur Khusainovich Plotnikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Key words:life cycle contract, monitoring, weapons and military equipment. | Annotation:The military organization of the state is currently fulfilling its tasks in very difficult political and economic conditions. The large-scale rearmament of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation over the past decade has led to a series of problematic issues related to maintaining the technical readiness of new complex weapons and military equipment (IWT). Based on the analysis of world and domestic experience in the functioning of the system of contracts of the full life cycle, a monitoring procedure is proposed in the work, designed to obtain objective data reflecting the operational processes of weapons and military equipment. Comprehensive accounting of this information will make it possible to adapt the life cycle contract to a specific type of weapon, thereby it will be possible to expect the achievement of the required level of technical serviceability and technical readiness of the samples. Pages Code UDC: |
Makarchuk Galina Vasil’evna
Kashcheev Roman Leonidovich
Sorokin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
water disinfection in treatment of conse quences of action of terrorist groups and natural natural disasters
AuthorsSarkisov Sergey Vladimirovich Makarchuk Galina Vasil’evna Kashcheev Roman Leonidovich Sorokin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Key words:chlorine, disinfection, water. | Annotation:The article discusses issues related to eliminating the effects of terrorist groups on the life support systems of settlements, by the example of pollution of water sources and the possibility of disinfecting water with chlorine. The main struggle of our century is for the main resource of our planet — water. Over the past century, since the first use of calcium hypochlorite to disinfect water, chlorine has saved and continues to save millions of lives around the world, stopping the spread of intestinal infections in cities. Chemical oxidation is the most common disinfection method. Pages Code UDC: |
Zakalkin Pavel Vladimirovich
Karaychev Sergey Yuryevich
Brechko Alexander Alexandrovich
Service server protecting method from DDoS attac ks through the using IP-addresses lists
AuthorsBukharin Vladimir Vladimirovich Zakalkin Pavel Vladimirovich Karaychev Sergey Yuryevich Brechko Alexander Alexandrovich Key words:information security, information and telecommunication network, DDoSattack, destructive programmatic impact. | Annotation:Development of communication networks, their almost universal territorial distribution and penetration into all fields of activity of modern society does them by object of continuous attacks both single hackers and cyberterrorists, and organized communities. The most widespread attacks are the distributed attacks like «refusal in service» — attack DDoS. This type of attacks pursues the only aim — to bring the computing system to «refusal in service». In other words, this access will be complicated to create such conditions under which users of system cannot get access to the resources provided by the computing system or. The computing system brought to «refusal in service» demands considerable time for restoration during which access to the provided resources will be impossible. The method allowing to increase security of the server providing various resources (services) due to reasonable management of rules of a filtration and lists of IP addresses is presented in article. Pages Code UDC: |
Kryukov Roman Olegovych
Kravchuk Alexey Vladimirovich
Methodology for information risk assessment based on analysis of vulnerabilities
Authors Zima Vladimir Mikhailovich Kryukov Roman Olegovych Kravchuk Alexey Vladimirovich Key words:information security, information risks, vulnerability analysis, information threats, automated system. | Annotation:The level of development of modern technologies allows you to create heterogeneous automated systems that combine both physical and virtual infrastructure emulated by hypervisors. Information security breaches of such systems can be triggered by many different factors, such as: presence of vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications, incorrect hardware and software configuration, errors in setting up access control, presence of vulnerable or easily attacked services. In this regard, the risks of information security of automated systems are significantly increased. The article presents the procedure for the decomposition of risk factors that reflect the risk of damage resulting from the implementation of threats to information. A method has been developed for calculating information risk indicators based on vulnerability analysis, decomposing risk factors and using metrics CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System). Pages Code UDC: |
Vakunenkov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich
Valuisky Vitaliy Andreevich
Korpusov Alexander Nikolayevich
Technological and constructive solutions for the operation of tunnel ventilation in the section of the sub way line bet ween stations with dead ends in the event of an emergency situation
AuthorsPopov Mikhail Ivanovich Vakunenkov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Valuisky Vitaliy Andreevich Korpusov Alexander Nikolayevich Key words:subway, tunnel ventilation, air exchange, air conditioning, ventilation ducts, mines. | Annotation:The article is devoted to the study of heat generated in tunnels and subway stations. The article analyzes the design decisions of the ventilation systems of a linear facility with artificial structures — single-track tunnels, tunnels and stations of the metro line section with dead ends, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation. A thorough and detailed analysis was carried out and problematic issues of creating standardized parameters of the air environment in metro structures, in cases of emergencies and abnormal operating conditions, were identified. Particular attention was paid to the need to model typical stations, in order to obtain calculated heat surplus indicators, which can later be used in the design and construction of subway stations. Pages Code UDC: |
Makhonko Victor Petrovich
Shuvalov Denis Vladimirovich
Complex advanced models loading and unloading devices to ensure the loading (unloading) military equipment to untrained railway stations
Authors Babenkov Valeriy Ivanovich Makhonko Victor Petrovich Shuvalov Denis Vladimirovich Key words:railway transport, loading and unloading device, loading, military equipment, station, unloading. | Annotation:In article the characteristic of railway transport as the main mode of transport for the delivery of troops in areas of operational purposes, as well as the process of loading (unloading) the military echelons, as one of the most complex and demanding elements transport of troops, determining its duration; the analysis of the deficiencies of the applied loading troops unloading devices and an alternative offered promising samples to ensure loading (unloading) of military equipment to untrained railway stations. Pages Code UDC: |
Tarasenko Sergey Anatolyevich
Tarasova Elena Igorevna
Saribekova Julia Igorevna
Methodological approach for justification the expedience of creating a sample of a weapons system based on competition of elements properties
Authors Okovantsev Aleksandr Nikolayevich Tarasenko Sergey Anatolyevich Tarasova Elena Igorevna Saribekova Julia Igorevna Key words:essential properties, system properties, WMST, justification. | Annotation:The methodological approach for justification the expedience of creating the new sample of WMST as an element of the functional system (subsystem) is proposed in article. This approach involves the determination of properties for each sample (both essential and system), the construction of their hierarchy, the determination of indicators of estimated dependencies, the logically justified convolution of these indicators, the rating score of competitive ability for each sample and the formation of proposals. The proposed methodological approach can allow to reduce the subjective components of the research, to increase the degree of uniqueness and completeness of recommendations during the decision making on the creation of new samples of WMST. Pages Code UDC: |
Selivanov Victor Valentinovich
Surin Vladimir Viacheslavovich
Calculation method for rocket-propelled grenades wind drift compensation devices designed to hit the target at a given range with a given accuracy
AuthorsLezhnin Sergei Ivanovich Selivanov Victor Valentinovich Surin Vladimir Viacheslavovich Key words:rocket-propelled grenade, dispersion, wind drift, middle error, probable deviation, ballistic approximation, statistical modeling, hit probability. | Annotation:A technique is proposed for the complex calculation of external ballistics and the probability of firing ammunition with a solid propellant small thrust target taking into account the main groups of errors that form dispersion during firing under conditions of action of a variable in magnitude and direction of wind. An approach has been developed to determine the rational traction force of a wind drift compensation device and the throw angle for firing at a maximum range from a grenade launcher with a miss of no more than the selected one, and also to construct dispersion ellipses at a given range for an arbitrary wind situation. A consistent calculation algorithm is presented to justify the appearance of wind drift compensation devices as part of rocket-propelled grenades to ensure the given accuracy of hitting the target and increase the effective firing range. Pages Code UDC: |
Syzrantsev Gennadiy Valentinovich
Sazykin Andrey Mikhailovich
To the question of methodological aspects of research of departmental transport communication network
AuthorsKurnosov Valery Igorevich Syzrantsev Gennadiy Valentinovich Sazykin Andrey Mikhailovich Key words:research methodology, transport communication network, systematic approach, stages of system analysis, complex system. | Annotation:The basics of the methodology for the study of the transport communication network of departmental use are presented. The transport communication network is considered in various aspects of description, operation and development. The principles of a systematic approach to research and their applicability and accounting are considered. Particular attention is paid to the term «complex system». The substantiation of the affiliation of the departmental transport communication network to «complex systems» is carried out both from epistemological positions and from ontological ones. As conclusions, the main stages of system analysis are presented, as applied to the study of a transport communication network for departmental purposes. Pages Code UDC: |
Gusarov Alexander Alexandrovich
Parshutkin Andrey Viktorovich
Model of functioning of the radar station of the space re view in the conditions of influence of the group source of unintentional interferences
AuthorsGalandzovskiy Aleksey Viktorovich Gusarov Alexander Alexandrovich Parshutkin Andrey Viktorovich Key words:model of functioning of radar station, adaptive arrays, noise stability, group source of inadvertent noises. | Annotation:The analytical simulation model of functioning of a radar survey of the environment with adaptive antenna array in terms of the effects of group source of unintentional interference is presented. Dependences of a signal-to-noise ratio on power at the output of the adaptive array of the receiving antenna of radar station of the review of space at change of quantitative structure of a group source of inadvertent noises, the sizes of its zone of uncertainty and also remoteness of its location are received from radar station of the review of space. On the basis of the carried-out analysis of the received results the most dangerous situations in which steady functioning of radar stations of the review of space with required quality is impossible are defined. Pages Code UDC: |
Sazykin Andrey Mikhailovich
Grischenko Kirill Alexandrovich
Increase of efficiency of use of resource of a transport net wor k of communication of a special purpose at the expense of application of protocols of haggling and balancing of traffic on switching nodes
AuthorsPadishin Sergey Alexandrovich Sazykin Andrey Mikhailovich Grischenko Kirill Alexandrovich Key words:special infotelecommunication network, aggregation, balancing, efficiency, capacity of communication channels, dynamic routing. | Annotation:The article is devoted to the issues of increasing the efficiency of the use of transport network resources through the use of traffic aggregation and balancing protocols. The article deals with the actual problems of providing officials of modern telecommunication services in conditions of limited capacity of communication channels. The scheme of carrying out practical tests of application of protocols of aggregation and balancing is described. The analysis of the obtained results which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the bandwidth used transmission systems. Pages Code UDC: |
Efimov Vyacheslav Viktorovich
Savchenko Konstantin Nikolaevich
Construction of the system of a tact network synchronization in the structure of a transport digital communication network
Authors Fedulov Andrey Vladimirovich Efimov Vyacheslav Viktorovich Savchenko Konstantin Nikolaevich Key words:clock network synchronization, reference generator, master oscillator, primary reference generator, transport communication network. | Annotation:The article is devoted to assessing the quality of the functioning of the clock network synchronization system. As initial data for building a network of clock network synchronization, we consider the requirements for the quality of timing signals, the reliability of their delivery, and the topological, streaming, physical structure of a transport digital communication network for departmental purposes. The conditions for the exclusion of feedback loops by means of forced hierarchical synchronization and additional measures are presented, in particular, ensuring the same orientation of the edges in each of the sections of the main system of sections. The characteristics of these structures that are significant for the network clock network synchronization are considered. Pages Code UDC: |
Maslakov Pavel Andreevich
Noise stability of satellite communication channels with amplitude -phase modulation to exposure to urged unsteady interference
AuthorsParshutkin Andrey Viktorovich Maslakov Pavel Andreevich Key words:amplitude-phase shift keying, non-stationary interference, noise immunity, interference time factor. | Annotation:The article discusses the model of the impact of unintentional non-stationary interference (NI) on communication channels with layered amplitude-phase modulation (M-APSK). As an indicator that determines the degree of influence of interference, the coefficient of the time of existence of NI is used, which characterizes the concentration of its energy at a fixed average power in a certain limited time domain of the signal. A comparison was made of the effects of unintended unsteady interference and continuous noise interference (CNI) on communication channels with amplitude-phase modulation. It is shown that at certain values of the time-to-live NI coefficient for a low signal-to-noise ratio, they can have a more dangerous effect than continuous CNI, increasing the probability of bit error. Pages Code UDC: |
Nikitin Valery Fedorovich
Tyurenkova Veronika Valerevna
Smirnova Maria Nikolaevna
High frequency electromagnetic radiation impact on a conductive screen at high relative velocities
AuthorsKosinov Sergey Nikolayevich Nikitin Valery Fedorovich Tyurenkova Veronika Valerevna Smirnova Maria Nikolaevna Key words:on board protection, electromagnetic field, conducting screen, Joule heat. | Annotation:High frequency electromagnetic field affecting electronic devices could bring their malfunction or even failure. Thus, on board protection of electronic devices exposed to highfrequency electromagnetic radiation is a major safety concern for space flight. This article contains the results of a theoretical study of the effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on a moving conductive screen. Methods have been developed and results are presented aimed at assessing the protective properties of a conductive screen depending on the thermophysical and electromagnetic properties of the material, the intensity and frequency of the radiation, and the relative speed of the radiation source and the target. Pages Code UDC: |
Evsevev Vladislav Vladislavovich
Skiba Sergey Pavlovich
Recommendations for improving the accuracy of calibration of measuring the overpressure of an air shoc k wave
AuthorsPirozhkov Mikhail Vladislavovich Evsevev Vladislav Vladislavovich Skiba Sergey Pavlovich Key words:ammunition, mass, air shock wave parameters. | Annotation:The object of the research in this article is the parameters of the air shock wave generated by the explosion of ammunition. The known formulas for the differential pressure in an air shock wave give an accuracy of no higher than 10%, even for the ideal case of an air explosion. However, in the case of a reverse expert estimate of the value of the energy released by the pressure drop, the inaccuracy may approach 100%. The analysis of foreign and domestic installations for the calibration of overpressure transducers of air shock waves is carried out. To ensure the required accuracy of calibration of pressure transducers in air shock waves when testing ammunition should preferably be used laboratory calibration tools. Recommendations on the use of domestic calibration tools for laboratory and field tests are given. Pages Code UDC: |
Kravets Dmitry Yurievich
Kravets Yuri Dmitrievich
Way of transferring goods in outport conditions for rope
AuthorsToporov Andrey Viktorovich Kravets Dmitry Yurievich Kravets Yuri Dmitrievich Key words:unequipped shore, ship, off-port conditions, cable car, unloading. | Annotation:The article describes the method of transferring military cargo using the cableway in off-port conditions, as well as a brief description of the pre-fabricated supports for the equipment of the cableway. The theoretical significance of the article is the result of the study, which allowed to determine the options and positive aspects of the considered option of moving goods. This material allows you to imagine the structure of the cable car. The research methods chosen by the authors are General scientific and are confirmed by the results of studies of other authors. The authors concluded that the military-economic effect of the considered method of cargo transfer allows it to be considered as an alternative option for the transfer of goods on the unequipped coast. Pages Code UDC: |
Grekova Yekaterina Vladimirovna
Kovalev A.V.
Sidorenko Vitaliy Alekseyevich
Forensic examination in the system of measures to implement the main pro visions of the presidential Decree of 11.03.2009 № 97 «On the Basis of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of chemical and biological safety for the period up to 2025 and beyond »
AuthorsVladimirov Vladimir Yur’yevich Grekova Yekaterina Vladimirovna Kovalev A.V. Sidorenko Vitaliy Alekseyevich Key words:psycho-active substances, hybrid weapons of mass destruction, potentiallyhazardous materials, substances and articles, a synthetic cannabimimetic. | Annotation:The article deals with the issues of pseudo-illegal circulation of potentially dangerous materials, substances and products as a source of formation of means of mass destruction of people in the Commission of crimes of subversive and terrorist orientation. Problems of rapid identification of relevant threats in the conduct of forensic, forensic chemical and other types of forensic examinations, the development of preventive measures, including through the improvement of existing legislation. These problems are considered by the authors in the context of the main provisions of the presidential Decree of 11.03.2009 № 97 «On the Basis of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of chemical and biological safety …». Pages Code UDC: |
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